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Runtime environment variables

To run the test suite, some runtime environment variables are to be set.

OCP >=4.12 Labels

The following labels need to be added to your default namespace in your cluster if you are running OCP >=4.12: privileged latest

You can manually label the namespace with:

oc label namespace/default
oc label namespace/default

Disable intrusive tests

To skip intrusive tests which may disrupt cluster operations, issue the following:


The intrusive test cases are:

Likewise, to enable intrusive tests, set the following:


Intrusive tests are enabled by default.

Preflight Integration

When running the preflight suite of tests, there are a few environment variables that will need to be set:

PFLT_DOCKERCONFIG is a required variable for running the preflight test suite. This provides credentials to the underlying preflight library for being able to pull/manipulate images and image bundles for testing.

When running as a container, the docker config is mounted to the container via volume mount.

When running as a standalone binary, the environment variables are consumed directly from your local machine.

See more about this variable here.

CERTSUITE_ALLOW_PREFLIGHT_INSECURE (default: false) is required set to true if you are running against a private container registry that has self-signed certificates.

Note that you can also specify the probe pod image to use with SUPPORT_IMAGE environment variable, default to certsuite-probe:v0.0.15.