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Run the Test Suite

The Test Suite can be run using the Certsuite tool directly or through a container.

To run the Test Suite direct use:

./certsuite run -l <label-filter> -c <certsuite-config> -k <kubeconfig> -o <output-dir> [<flags>]

If the kubeconfig is not provided the value of the KUBECONFIG environment variable will be taken by default.

The CLI output will show the following information:

  • Details of the Certsuite and claim file versions, the test case filter used and the location of the output files.
  • The results for each test case grouped into test suites (the most recent log line is shown live as each test executes).
  • Table with the number of test cases that have passed/failed or been skipped per test suite.
  • The log lines produced by each test case that has failed.

Once the test run has completed, the test results can be visualized by opening the results.html website in a web browser and loading the claim.json file.

For more information on how to analyze the results see Test Output.

Building the Certsuite tool executable

The Certsuite binary can be built as follows:

make build-certsuite-tool

Test labels

The test cases cases have several labels to allow for different types of groupings when selecting which to run. These are the following:

  • The name of the test case
  • The name of the test suite
  • The category of the test case (common, telco, faredge, extended)

These labels can be combined with some operators to create label filters that match any condition. For example:

  • The label filter “observability,access-control” will match the test suites observability and access-control.
  • The label filter “operator && !operator-crd-versioning” will match the operator test suite without the operator_crd_versioning test case.
  • To select all the test cases the all label filter can be used.

To view which test cases will run for a specific label or label filter use the flag --list.

See the to find all test labels.

Selected flags description

The following is a non-exhaustive list of the most common flags that the certsuite run command accepts. To see the complete list use the -h, --help flag.

  • -l, --label-filter: Label expression to filter test cases. Can be a test suite or list or test suites, such as "observability,access-control" or a more complex expression with logical operators such as "access-control && !access-control-sys-admin-capability".


If -l is not specified, the Test Suite will run in ‘diagnostic’ mode. In this mode, no test case will run: it will only get information from the cluster (PUTs, CRDs, nodes info, etc…) to save it in the claim file. This can be used to make sure the configuration was properly set and the autodiscovery found the right pods/crds…

  • -o, --output-dir: Path of the local directory where test results (claim.json), the execution logs (certsuite.log), and the results artifacts file (results.tar.gz) will be available from after the container exits.

  • -k, --kubeconfig: Path to the Kubeconfig file of the target cluster.

  • -c, --config-file: Path to the certsuite_config.yml file.

  • --preflight-dockerconfig: Path to the Dockerconfig file to be used by the Preflight test suite

  • --offline-db: Path to an offline DB to check the certification status of container images, operators and helm charts. Defaults to the DB included in the test container image.


See the OCT tool for more information on how to create this DB.

Using the container image

The only prerequisite for running the Test Suite in container mode is having Docker or Podman installed.

Pull the test image

The test image is available at this repository and can be pulled using:

docker pull<image-tag>

The image tag can be latest to select the latest release, unstable to fetch the image built with the latest commit in the repository or any existing version number such as v5.2.1.

Launch the Test Suite

The Test Suite requires 3 files that must be provided to the test container:

  • The Kubeconfig for the target cluster.
  • The Dockerconfig of the local Docker installation (only for the Preflight test suite).
  • The certsuite_config.yml.

To reduce the number of shared volumes with the test container in the example below those files are copied into a folder called “config”. Also, another folder to contain the output files called “results” has been created. The files saved in the output directory after the test run are:

  • A claim.json file with the test results.
  • A certsuite.log file with the execution logs.
  • A .tar.gz file with the above two files and an additional results.html file to visualize the results in a website.
docker run --rm --network host \
  -v <path-to-local-dir>/config:/usr/certsuite/config:Z \
  -v <path-to-local-dir>/results:/usr/certsuite/results:Z \ \
  certsuite run \
  --kubeconfig=/usr/certsuite/config/kubeconfig \
  --preflight-dockerconfig=/usr/certsuite/config/dockerconfig \
  --config-file=/usr/certsuite/config/certsuite_config.yml \
  --output-dir=/usr/certsuite/results \